Masters of Hardcore 2024 – Time Heist will take place on the 30th of march 2024 from 02:00 PM until  11:00 PM at the Brabanthallen in ‘s-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands. Read all information about the event at this page.


Ticket Info

Ticket Sales

Mark your calendars for the following dates:
> November 7th, 07:00 PM CET: Start of the member sale
> November 14th, 07:00 PM CET: Start of the regular sale

Become a member and be the first to secure your tickets!

Ticket Personalization

Tickets for Masters of Hardcore 2024 need to be personalized. In case you have ordered multiple tickets, it’s necessary to personalize every ticket per visitor. Personalizing the other tickets within your order is possible by login in to your account (or by creating one if you haven’t already). You are able to claim one ticket per account. Once everyone within your order has claimed his or her ticket, the main buyer will receive all tickets via email. If this is still not working, you can best contact Paylogic Support. Only after personalization has been completed, you will receive your tickets via email.

Transfer tickets after personalization

Have you made an error in the personalization of your tickets or want to transfer your personalized tickets to somebody else? You can change the name on your ticket by using Ticket Transfer from Paylogic. See this link for a step-by-step explanation of how to change the name.


Masters of Hardcore
Diezekade 2,
5222 AK ‘s-Hertogenbosch
The Netherlands

How to get there

Check this link to see how you get to Masters of Hardcore 2024 – Time Heist


Do you have any questions or inquiries about Art of Dance or Masters of Hardcore? Please don’t hesitate to contact us, we’re happy to help you!

Contact details
Art of Dance
Transistorstraat 101
1322 CL Almere
The Netherlands
[email protected]
Whatsapp (+31682590703)

Press requests can be sent to [email protected], from here your request will be processed + – 2-3 weeks before the event.



Not yet done with the party at 11:00 PM? Not to worry, we will continue Masters of Hardcore 2024 – Time Heist until 03:00 AM CEST with the official Afterparty! Get your Afterparty tickets in the ticket shop.

During the night we will change from Central Eastern Time (CET) to Central Eastern Summer Time (CEST). This means the afterparty is until 03:00 AM CEST.

The Afterparty will take place in one of the area’s of Masters of Hardcore during the day. There will be a special entrance to get to the afterparty, If you have purchased an afterparty ticket it is important you enter Masters of Hardcore through the line of the Combi+afterparty tickets. There you’ll get your wristband to acces the afterparty at 23:00.

Lockers bought for Masters of Hardcore during the day are also for the afterparty.

PLEASE NOTE:The afterparty is only accessible for visitors of Masters of Hardcore – Time Heist. With only an afterparty ticket it is not possible to enter.

VIP Guests

Visitors with a  VIP ticket can enter through the VIP entrance, which is situated on the left side of the main entrance. If you bought VIP lockers, you can find them directly after the entrance. At the  VIP deck, situated in the back of the main area, you’ll get the best view of the stage and with the VIP toilets there will no long waiting line.

Minimum age

The minimum age for Masters of Hardcore is 18 years. This means you need to be 18 years or older at the day of the event. We won’t make any exceptions on this. Make sure you bring a valid ID card. No ID means no entrance!


It is not allowed to bring medicines without a doctor’s statement. Is it necessary to take medication during the event? Make sure you bring a doctor’s certificate.

It is possible to pump from the first aid room and store it in a cool place during the event.



Celebrate Safe

During Masters of Hardcore we celebrate safe. If you have questions about the use of alcohol or other drugs you are more than welcome at the Unity Stand (partner of Celebrate Safe) in the hallway. Unity is a volunteer project in the Dutch party scene. Their volunteers will be more than happy to provide you with objective and open minded advice about alcohol and other drugs.Not feeling well? Or is somebody around you not feeling well? Please don’t hesitate and go to our first aid. Take care of yourself and each other!

You can read more information about Celebrate Safe here.

Foods & Drinks

During Masters of Hardcore there will be enough choices between food and drinks. Do you have a special diet? Don’t worry, we also have vegetarian, vegan and gluten-free options. If you have any questions, please contact us via [email protected].

Disabled/ wheelchair accessibilty

At Masters of Hardcore, there is a wheelchair-accessible entrance and disabled toilets available.

Recycling system

We work with a deposit system on all cups, cans, and bottles we hand out at the bar during all our events. In order to recycle everything we hand out, we want to collect as much as possible. This way, we keep the event clean together and we make sure there is no trash on the ground.

How does this work? You will receive a recycle coin at the entrance for free. Pay attention: this coin isn’t a coin you can use to pay for beverages. It has no value and can only be used for the deposit.

  1. First round? Hand in your recycle coin during your order at the bar;
  2. Next round? Take your empty cup/bottle to the bar and exchange it when you order your new drink;
  3. Lost your cup? Then you will have to pay 0,5 coin for a new cup/bottle;
  4. Done? Take your empty cup/bottle to the bar and exchange it for a recycle coin.

This way we will keep Masters of Hardcore clean together!



Smoking policy

Smoking is only allowed in the designated smoking areas. If you decide to smoke outside the designated smoking areas, you take the risk of being removed from the event. Use our floorplan to locate the smoking areas.

Due to the smoking ban in public areas, it is prohibited to smoke outside of the designated smoking areas at Masters of Hardcore. Due to the high fines imposed by the NVWA for smoking outside the designated smoking areas and because of the health risks, we have decided not to sell cigarettes on Masters or Hardcore. So make sure to get them before you enter Masters of Hardcore, you cannot buy cigarettes during the event.

Zero Tolerance

The drugs policy at Masters of Hardcore is zero-tolerance. This means that all types of soft- and hard drugs are not allowed. The police will check more strictly for prohibited narcotics at dance events throughout the Netherlands. We as an organization are obliged to hand over anyone caught with these prohibited substances to the police.

Payment methods

You can get your food and drinks with coins. Get your coins at the counter desk with PIN, credit card or cash. There will be no ATM inside the venue.


There will be e-lockers available at Masters of Hardcore. This means you will receive a code and you don’t need a key. Make sure you take care of this code and don’t show it to anyone when you enter it in your locker. We recommend you to buy your locker in the presale.

When you buy you locker ticket in the presale, you have the chance to win some great hardcore prizes!




All types of still cameras are allowed at Masters of Hardcore, so bring your cameras and show your friends your Masters of Hardcore! Don’t forget to share your photos on social media with the hashtag #MOH2024

Selfie sticks are allowed with a max length of 1 meter. Professional video cameras are not allowed, video cameras must not be larger than 20×20 cm.



Lost & Found


All found items will be posted on Wednesday until at least two weeks after the event. Good luck!

What can I (not) bring

What you can bring;

Deodorant roller.
Water bag: empty only
Bepanthen ointment
E-Smoker/Vape – except opened refills

What you may not take with you:

Sharp/hazardous objects
Selfie sticks longer than 1 m.