Privacy statement Masters of Hardcore
MOH Events B.V. | Version 1.0. Last update: 29th of November 2018
This is the privacy statement for the website www.mastersofhardcore.com belonging to MOH Events B.V. (hereinafter referred to as “Masters of Hardcore”, “we”, or “us”). If you make use of our website, we (and third parties) may process your information. This information may include personal data. That is why we ensure that it is processed carefully and securely. This privacy statement describes which data is collected, what this data is used for and how we process it.
Masters of Hardcore recommends you to carefully read this privacy statement. Please keep in mind that this privacy statement can be revised regularly, for example after new functions have been added to the website.
General principles
It is important to Masters of Hardcore to treat your data carefully and securely. To this end, Masters of Hardcore operates under the following core values:
- Clearly document our objectives before processing your personal data, by means of this privacy statement;
- Store as little personal data as possible and only store the data required for our objectives;
- Explicitly ask for permission to process your personal data if permission is required;
- Take the necessary security measures in order to protect your personal data. We also enforce these obligations on any parties that process personal data on our behalf;
- Respect your rights, such as the right to access, edit or delete any personal data of yours that is processed by us.
This privacy statement describes how Masters of Hardcore puts these core values into practice. If you have any questions after reading this privacy statement, please feel free to contact us by using the contact details listed at the bottom of the statement.
Processing your personal data
If you make use of our website or service, you might provide us with personal data. Which personal data you provide depends on the functions or services you use. We can process this data for the following objectives:
- To send you our newsletter, if you subscribed to it;
- To let you participate in our social campaigns;
- To contact you, if you requested this;
- To enable you to order tickets;
- To place photos of our events on our website;
- To offer a profile that you can use to order on several (of our) websites;
- To share personal data among various social media;
- To construct customer profiles;
- To process your job application;
- To store cookies;
- To offer social media buttons.
In the next section, we will explain to what end we process your data per objective, what this data is used for and how long we store it.
MOH top 100 giveaway
Voters are eligible to participate in the Masters of Hardcore Top 100 giveaway, in which they can win 1x surprise merchandise package with the value of 100 euros from the Masters of Hardcore Store. This competition opens on December 2nd 12:00 (CET) and runs until December 15th 12:00 (CET). The terms and conditions are outlined below.
This prize cannot be exchanged for money or other prizes.
It is not allowed to change, falsify, undermine or otherwise affect vouchers or the way they work (including hacking).
It is not allowed to transfer the prize to someone else.
Any (attempted) fraud or other unauthorized action is registered and as a result is denied the use of the prize(s).
It is not allowed to use the prize(s) in any way for commercial purposes and / or other purposes than for which they were issued.
Participation in this promotion is voluntary and free of charge.
Masters of Hardcore Store personnel are excluded from participation.
Masters of Hardcore Store reserves the right to change or end the promotion unilaterally. This will be communicated on the promotion conditions page.
By participating in this promotion you automatically agree to the promotion conditions.
If you subscribe to our newsletter, we store your e-mail address, so that we can send you the newsletter. We also register the moment in which you subscribe to the newsletter. We do so to prove that you subscribed voluntarily and that we did not obtain your data in an unauthorized manner. You can cancel your subscription to the newsletter at any time. Each newsletter contains a link to unsubscribe. In addition, we collect the necessary data by means of cookies that we include in our newsletter. These keep track of opening and click behaviour. Until you unsubscribe from the newsletter, we will store your e-mail address in order to send you the newsletter.
Social campaigns
When you participate in our social campaigns, in which we ask you various questions (such as which artists you would like to see at an event), we process the following personal information:
- Name
- E-mail address
- Country of residence and preferred language
- Other information provided by you to us as content of your message
After you send your answers to us via our website, we will use it for the specific objective of the campaign. We can process this personal data after receiving your permission. We will store the data for the duration of the campaign and for at most 1 year after it ends.
Contact us
Would you like to contact us? You can do so by using the contact form. However, we do need certain information in order to treat your question. That is why you are requested to fill out (part of) the following information on the contact form:
- Name
- Contact details
- Other information provided by you to use as content of your message
We use this information to contact you at your request and to process your request appropriately, in order to execute the agreement. We store this information until one year after we last contacted you. It may occur that you provide us with more information than strictly necessary for answering your question. We will treat any such information no differently than described above.
We process personal data when you purchase a ticket on our website. We process this personal data in order to enter into an agreement with you and to complete the payment and processing of it. To this end, we require (a part of) the following personal data:
- Name and address details
- Contact details
- Date of birth
- Gender
- Payment method (iDEAL, VISA, Mastercard, Paypal or Sofort Banking)
If you purchase a ticket from us, we will also provide your data to other parties, namely the parties which organise the event in question (together with us). This is also done to fully comply to the agreement we enter into with you. We will always observe the security of your information, which we also demand of our partners. We store the data collected from your ticket purchase until after the event, and after that for as long as we are (fiscally) legally obligated.
Attention: If you have purchased a ticket from us, we may send you event information mails before the event in order to inform you on practical matters regarding the event (such as parking availability). We do so because we entered into an agreement with you and keeping you up to date about the upcoming event is part of it.
Photos and other promotional material
During our events, we take photographs and video images in order to document a good impression of the atmosphere. We then use these photos and video images to provide future visitors with a good impression of the event. We do so by publishing the photos and video online (including on Facebook and Instagram). We process this (personal) data on the principle of justified interest. In this process, we take each person’s privacy into consideration as well as possible. The photos are part of the history of Masters of Hardcore, which allows us to store these photos for as long as they are relevant to our archive. Should you like to see a photo removed from our website, please contact us. You can find the contact details at the bottom of the privacy statement.
Combining personal data social media
Masters of Hardcore has multiple social media profiles at its disposal (including on Facebook and Instagram). The personal data collected by these profiles are shared between the various profiles. For our objectives, we exchange the name and interests of users of these social media. This personal data is shared for marketing purposes and is based on the principle of justified interest. It is important to Masters of Hardcore that our marketing campaigns reach the right people, which is largely realised by sharing the data. When this data is shared, the data will not be stored for longer than the terms set by Facebook and Instagram. We have no influence over this.
Masters of Hardcore makes use of cookies. Third parties may also store cookies when you use our website. A cookie is a small text file that is sent along with the website and that is stored on your device. The information stored by a cookie can be transferred to our own secured servers or those of a third party hired by us. This information may include personal data, such as your IP address.
For more information about the cookies that we store and how to enable, disable and remove them, please read our cookie statement.
It is important to Masters of Hardcore to treat your personal data safely. We ensure that any data we have of you is properly secured. We continually adapt our security and pay close attention to what can go wrong. We also offer our website via a secured connection. This connection is indicated by a green lock in the address bar in most internet browsers. Any personal data that you provide via the website is sent with an encryption. This makes it more difficult for malicious parties to intercept your personal data. We also work hard internally to securely process your personal data.
Third-party websites
This privacy statement does not apply to third-party websites that link to our website. We cannot guarantee that these third parties treat your personal data reliably and securely. We recommend that you read the privacy statement of the website in question before making use of these websites.
Third parties
Your personal data may be shared with third parties for the following reasons:
- We have hired them to support us;
- This is necessary for executing our agreement with you (such as for events which we organise with third parties);
- We have a justified interest to do so; or
- We are legally obligated (for example, if the police demand so for suspicion of an offence).
The following third parties can process your personal data at our request:
- Our IT service providers;
- Online and offline post and shipping services (such as for our newsletter and your tickets);
- Payment service providers;
- Cookie service providers;
- Partners (parties that organise events with us);
- Our partner for ticket orders (Paylogic);
- Photographers and cinematographers (who are present at our events);
- Other entities within our group (for administrative purposes or advertisements via cookies, if you have given permission);
We have entered into agreements with all parties listed above regarding a careful treatment of your data. If necessary, we will always ask for your permission to share data with third parties.
Your rights
The current privacy legislation gives you a number of rights with regards to your personal data:
- You can request access to the personal data of you processed by us and the objectives for which this personal data is used.
- You can have errors in the processed personal data be corrected or have personal data that has expired or become redundant be deleted.
- You can revoke the permission you gave on the website to process certain personal data at any time.
- You can raise an objection against the method in which your personal data is used.
- You can request us to transfer your data to a third party.
- You can request us to provide you with the data in a digital format.
You can turn to Masters of Hardcore directly if you wish to exercise your rights or if you have a question regarding the manner in which Masters of Hardcore treats your personal data. You can find our contact details at the bottom of this privacy statement. In order to prevent misuse, Masters of Hardcore may ask you to identify yourself when you turn to us to exercise certain legal rights.
Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens
Of course, Masters of Hardcore is happy to help you if you have any complaints regarding the processing of your personal data. Based on the privacy legislation, you are also entitled to file a complaint with the Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens (the Dutch regulatory body for privacy matters) or another European regulatory body for privacy matters.
Changes to this privacy statement
We reserve the right to revise this privacy statement. Revisions will be published on our website. We recommend you to regularly consult this statement to stay informed on any changes.
Contact and business details
MOH Events B.V.
Transistorstraat 101
1322 CL Almere
The Netherlands
Telephone number
+31 (0)88 812 01 00
Dutch Chamber of Commerce no.
VAT number