Celebrate Safe
Nothing beats losing yourself in the music, dancing in bright sunlight, being part of a large crowd of mad-keen revellers, dancing until your feet hurt, chilling at the campsite, flirting with beautiful people and partying till you drop with your mates. Nothing beats celebrating the good life and sharing the love with all the merrymakers around you. But you know what’s even better? Getting home in one piece afterwards, in the very best of health.
Yep, partying is fun, but it’s never completely without risk. So it’s good to know what these risks – ranging from blisters and dehydration to the use of alcohol and other drugs – are. That’s why Masters of Hardcore partnered up with Celebrate Safe. Celebrate Safe is a platform providing tips and reliable information on how to party consciously and safely. Please find their 10 tips on how to party safely below.
Think for yourself, care about others
Please take care of yourself, watch out for each other, and know that you can find help all around you. If you see someone who needs medical attention or just a helping hand, keep the positive vibe alive and be a friend to a friend in need.
Using alchohol or other drugs is never without risks
If you choose to use alcohol or other drugs, please do so responsibly and consciously.
Bringing drugs into a club, bar or festival is prohibited. You will be searched by security at the door. If you’re found to be carrying drugs, it will be taken from you or you might be removed from the venue and even handed over to the police. Most venues other than coffeeshops do not allow soft drugs to be consumed on their premises. Always check the venue’s door policy.
Even though possession of drugs is illegal in the Netherlands, it is possible to get your drugs tested anonymously at an official drug checking service. Please inform yourself and visit unity.nl/eng.
I love my ears
Good music makes good life! Would you like to enjoy music for the rest of your life? Be gentle to your ears. Don’t stand too close to the speakers, give your ears a break once in a while and wear earplugs with music filter. Visit ilovemyears.com for more info.
Take a break to cool and chill
Cool down and take regular breaks from dancing. Have fun relaxing and chat with your fellow partygoers. Drink some water (but don’t overdo it, a glass an hour is enough!) Eat to supply your energy and salt level. This will help to keep your body temperature at normal levels and allows you to party a lot longer.
Know your limits and respect those of others
Whether it concerns the use of alcohol or other drugs, a flirt or going home at a certain time: Celebrate, dance, be wild, but within your own limits and with respect for those of others.
Enjoy safe sex without regrets
Not going home alone? Made a new friend, did you? Good for you but stay smart and be wary of taking strangers back to your home or hotel room. Make sure a friend knows who you’re with and where you are and always, always use condoms.
Security and crew will keep you safe
The crew of the party of club is there for your safety. In case of harassment, a fight, a medical incident or if you are yourself not feeling well, warn security or other staff. Even though security is sometimes strict and even if someone from the crew seems busy, they are there to help you and to help create a safe space.
The first aid team is your friend
If you or one of your friends is not feeling well, don’t be afraid to visit the First Aid or any of the venue’s staff. The people there are professionals and everything you tell them is confidential. If you are not at an event. Call 112! You will not get fined or arrested for drug use in the Netherlands.
Get home safe: grab a ride
Enjoy your party and don’t forget about how to get back home. Don’t drink, drug and drive. Be careful & stay focused!
Love your body: take time to recover
No matter how much fun partying is, at some point your battery will be low and your body needs some rest. Sleeping is necessary to recover. Take good care of yourself the day after. Treat yourself to a nice breakfast, some snacks and time to chill. Give yourself time to recharge.
Masters of Hardcore thinks it’s important that everyone can party as safe as possible. However, we do realize that partying can go along with risks. Therefore we will be promoting Celebrate Safe during most of our events. At these events a Celebrate Safe stand will be available for a visit. Here Masters of Hardcore will answer all your questions. Whenever it comes to your ears buzzing, that one handsome guy/girl you just met, drugs or alcohol, at the Celebrate Safe stand you will be welcome at all times. Not feeling well? Please go to the first aid, they are there to help you.
You can always look into tips to Celebrate safely and healthy at: www.celebratesafe.nl.