Stream the latest and greatest in our diverse Deezer playlists. From pounding melodic hardcore, all the way up to Uptempo, Frenchcore and even terror, you can satisfy your hardcore cravings. Make sure you follow your favorite playlist to stay up to date with new music every week!


Your one-stop playlist for the finest Hardcore. Get amongst the freshest music by Angerfist, Dj Mad Dog, Noize Suppressor, Nosferatu, Korsakoff, Tha Playah and many more! Listen to the playlist here and make sure to follow to stay updated!


FRENCHCORE FRIDAY! Kick straight into weekend-mode with the zestiest and spiciest Frenchcore beats non-stop! Make sure to follow the playlist right here. Featuring new music by Dr. Peacock, Sefa, Billx, LeBask, The Sickest Squad, Radium and many more!


From the Uptempo Hardcore, all the way up to Terror, you can satisfy your high-tempo cravings right here on Deezer. New music every week by Partyraiser, F.Noize, Deadly Guns, Destructive Tendencies, N-Vitral and many more. Make sure to follow!