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11th of March 2020

Important: new date MOH 2020 – Magnum Opus

Yesterday, the Dutch government announced that all events scheduled in the region of North Brabant, are canceled for a period of at least the upcoming 7 days.

The health and safety of our visitors, artists and employees are our first and foremost priority. Unfortunately, we have to inform you that in good cooperation with the local authorities, we decided to reschedule the event that was supposed to take place at the Brabanthallen in Den Bosch on March 28, 2020. With over 30,000 visitors gathering from all over the world, we feel it is not responsible to ignore the current situation.

We did everything in our power to find an alternative. Together with the venue and performing artists, we found a new date for Masters of Hardcore; September 5th 2020. This means we can still celebrate 25 years of Masters of Hardcore with you. The same line-up is confirmed to perform on this date.

These are very unusual circumstances and even though the situation is beyond our control, we sincerely hope for your understanding. Tickets and travel packages that have already been purchased will remain valid for the edition on September 5th 2020. Ticket buyers will receive a personal message with more information soon.

We would like to thank you for your everlasting support and trust. We hope to see you on September 5th to celebrate 25 years Masters of Hardcore with us!

Check our FAQ page for more info.

  • Event

    Masters of Hardcore 2022 – Magnum Opus (25 years)

  • Date

    26th of March 2022

  • Time

    22:00 - 08:00

  • Location

    Brabanthallen, 's-Hertogenbosch

Ticket sales have stopped

Comments 27

27 responses to “Important: new date MOH 2020 – Magnum Opus”

  1. Hello, I booked my tickets about a month ago thinking it would be at the end of the month but it has been reported, and i can’t go on September, is it possible, please, to refund me ?
    Thank you for your understanding

  2. If I was literally coming from the other side of the world, I can’t do the same trip in September, so, how can I proceed for a refund?

  3. Give more info about these which we have allready bought tickets. Are we will have any uptadets of our tickets with new dates or we can pass in september with the same dates for 28 of March?

    • Hi,

      All tickets will remain valid for the next edition, no further action needed. You should have received an email about this earlier today.

      See you in September!
      Masters of Hardcore

  4. So sorry to hear that. But i think in this situation and madness related with Coronavirus around the world, this is the right decision. See you in Septrmber then, and i hope this situation with virus will be stabilized and nothing will distract us from celebrating and holding the festival. But main problem for me now…is my flight tickets. I’m waiting for official response from airline, but it seems they are non-refundable. But i’m not quite sure yet. I hope i will be able to refund them or at least change for another dates. But in both cases i’ll be charged for additional payment anyway, because in this situation cancellation considered as voulantry and subject to fee. Also wasted money for applying documents for visa, which i won’t use. Got only single entry for dates of fest, but fest has been cancelled.

    • Hi Paul,

      Thank you so much for your understanding and support, appreciated! Many airlines offer extra service with the Corona virus now, so we hope this will work out for you as well.

      Good luck and we hope to see you next time!
      Masters of Hardcore

  5. Complimenten aan de organisatie! Dat, zo kort voor tijd, alle evenementenvergunningen worden ingetrokken is een nachtmerrie voor elke organisatie en pure overmacht. Dat er nu al een alternatieve datum is geprikt is puur vakwerk. Voor alle mensen die nu al beginnen te piepen over resitutie van de ticket: zeik niet zo en wacht gewoon even af welke oplossing er komt.

  6. Hello I write because the change of date will be impossible for me. Please what is the possibility of reimbursement?

  7. Dank u. This is what i’m working okkn now. I’m trying to figure out what i can do and solve this issue. Explained this situation to airline (Aeroflot, Russia), unfortunately they does not want to admit this situation as forced cancellation or forced change. They say it’s voluntary cancellation and they will charge me 35€ of cancellation or tickets change fee + difference in fares prices if i will get ticket with higher fare price. But, it’s okay. Main purpouse now is change tickets fir 5 of September. I will be there anyway. We should not give up)

    • Hi Paul,

      We understand that this is an unpleasant situation for you … we are happy to hear that you are still there! We wish you good luck with everything.

      See you in September!
      Masters of Hardcore

  8. Zeik zelf niet zo man. Er is toch al een oplossing geboden? Mensen hebben kaartjes gekocht in de veronderstelling dat het op 28 maart is. Prima dat ze het hebben moeten en kunnen verschuiven maar dan moet je mensen wel het recht geven om hun geld terug te krijgen. Kan mij voorstellen dat mensen dan al andere plannen hebben gemaakt als in geboekte vakantie of andere belangrijke zaken.
    Dus geld terug als je dat wenst lijkt mij geen zeiken en niet meer dan fair.

    • Hi Jaap,

      Wij doen er alles aan om iedereen zo goed mogelijk te helpen. Mochten er mensen zijn die op de nieuwe datum niet kunnen verzoeken we deze een mail te sturen naar [email protected]. We hebben alles in werking gesteld om een alternatief te vinden en 25 jaar Masters of Hardcore met jullie te kunnen vieren. Dit zijn buitengewone omstandigheden, en hoewel de situatie buiten onze macht ligt, hopen we op jullie begrip!

      Masters of Hardcore

  9. Ik had hier zo naar uitgekeken 🙁 Maar ik heb begin september toch niks opstaan voorlopig ^_^ Alle respect voor de organisatie!! Mij zie je in september ( als ik 2 festivals overleef )
    Hardcore will never die!!
    Everyone around the world: stay safe!!

    Groeten uit het verre Limburg

    • Hi Frank,

      Wij keken er ook naar uit. gelukkig is er nu een nieuwe datum. Bedankt voor je support en wij zijn blij om te horen dat je er nog steeds bij bent!

      We zien je op 5 September!
      Masters of Hardcore

  10. Hi Masters organisatie!!

    Ik kon niet gaan omwille van werk nu 28 maart maar aangezien de datum verzet is naar 5 september en deze voor mij wel gaat had ik nog graag 2 kaartjes gekocht!!Zie dat het oorspronkelijke feest uitverkocht was maar bestaat er een mogelijkheid om alsnog deze 2 kaartjes te bekomen via jullie aangezien er misschien mensen niet meer kunnen/willen gaan op de nieuwe datum??
    Alvast dank voor jullie feedback!!

    Grts Stefan

  11. I had no choise. I’ve changed my flight tickets a hour ago for 5th of September. Tickets price was 200€, non-refunded, and i was chardged a fine 120€. So that means i had to pay additional 120€ to change dates. But… Nothing to do. I really want to be there. Visiting Masters of Hardcore main event in himeland in Netherlands was my dream since 2012. Especially 25 years of label…important date. Hope that nothing will happen and change anymore, and see you there. Dedication. F@ck Coronavirus

  12. I had no choise. I’ve changed my flight tickets a hour ago for 5th of September. Tickets price was 200€, non-refunded, and i was chardged a fine 120€. So that means i had to pay additional 120€ to change dates. But… Nothing to do. I really want to be there. Visiting Masters of Hardcore main event in homeland in Netherlands was my dream since 2012. Especially 25 years of label…important date. Hope that nothing will happen and change anymore, and see you there. Dedication. F@ck Coronavirus

  13. Hi Peter,

    We zijn ons uiteraard bewust van de maatregelen die de overheid heeft genomen in verband met het Coronavirus en houden nieuwe ontwikkelingen nauwlettend in de gaten. Daarnaast blijven wij met de overheid in gesprek om ons hier zo snel mogelijk meer duidelijkheid over te kunnen geven, zodat wij ook jullie als bezoekers duidelijkheid kunnen bieden.

    Indien er een verlenging of aanpassing van de maatregelen plaatsvinden, die impact hebben op geplande events, zullen wij onze bezoekers direct informeren over de mogelijkheden via onze officiële kanalen.

    We hopen je zo snel mogelijk weer te kunnen verwelkomen op een van onze events!

    Masters of Hardcore

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